Check out NSE’s blog post on Syracuse Urban Properties. We provide a local pictorial perspective on the recent NRDC report “The Green Edge: How Commercial Property Investment in Green Infrastructure Creates Value.”
Monthly Archives: January 2014

Erie Boulevard Green Infrastructure Project Completed!
Construction was completed in late 2013 of the Erie-Bruce Corp. “Save the Rain” green infrastructure project. Natural Systems Engineering designed the bioretention area, rain garden, porous asphalt, and pervious pavers to not only achieve Onondaga County’s Save the Rain objectives with respect to combined sewer overflows (CSOs), but to mitigate drainage issues at the facility, and improve the aesthetics of the site.
Site view pre-construction:
Onondaga Commons – Porous Asphalt at Community Health Clinic and Slocum Avenue Properties Completed!
Construction was completed in late 2013 on a green infrastructure project funded by the Onondaga County Save the Rain program. The project was designed by Natural Systems Engineering for the Short Enterprises/Onondaga Commons team to manage more than 700,000 gal of stormwater runoff annually.