Monthly Archives: April 2014

Natural Systems Engineering and Spectra Engineering Team wins County Green Design Contract!

On April 7, 2014, the team of Spectra Engineering (Syracuse, New York) and Natural Systems Engineering was notified of award for RFP No. 13-3330-002 – Green Project Design Professional Services for Onondaga County, New York.  The project will involve the design of “green streets” under the County’s award-winning “Save the Rain” program.

September 2011 "Save the Rain" newsletter.

Photo Credit: September 2011 Onondaga County “Save the Rain” newsletter.


Onondaga Tower Extensive Green Roof Design Completed!

We completed the design for an extensive green roof for the Onondaga Tower building (former HSBC building) located in downtown Syracuse.  The project is currently being bid and construction is expected to begin this Spring!

New Green Roof Design Begun

Natural Systems Engineering has been retained by Zip Networks Inc. to design an extensive green roof for the former Inland Supply Building located on Wilkinson Street in Syracuse.  The structural evaluation and design services were initiated in March 2014.   Project completion scheduled for mid-Summer 2014.