Tag Archives: Combined sewer overflows

Natural Systems Engineering Featured in Short Enterprises’ “Startup Insider”!

The August 29th edition of Short Enterprises‘ “Startup Insider” features Natural Systems Engineering.  The article discusses NSE’s contribution to the cleanup of Onondaga Lake through our green infrastructure projects and also presents our work in renewable energy.  NSE’s designs of green roof, bioretention areas, porous pavements, stormwater infiltration planters (see photograph), green roofs, and rainwater harvesting systems are featured.  NSE’s design of a geothermal heating and cooling system for an urban dwelling is also highlighted.

Stormwater Infiltration Planter

Stormwater Infiltration Planter

Porous Pavement Construction Underway for Latest Phase of Onondaga Commons – Former AAA Building

Construction began this week on Onondaga Commons’ latest Save the Rain green infrastructure project, GIF #09.  The project consists of the replacement of 17,200 sq ft of formerly impervious surfaces with 15,300 sq ft of porous asphalt and 1900 sq ft of added greenspace.  The project will manage over 380,000 gal of stormwater annually.  Photograph is of the porous asphalt base following construction.

Porous Base at Former AAA

Porous Base at Former AAA

Natural Systems Engineering and Spectra Engineering Team wins County Green Design Contract!

On April 7, 2014, the team of Spectra Engineering (Syracuse, New York) and Natural Systems Engineering was notified of award for RFP No. 13-3330-002 – Green Project Design Professional Services for Onondaga County, New York.  The project will involve the design of “green streets” under the County’s award-winning “Save the Rain” program.

September 2011 "Save the Rain" newsletter.

Photo Credit: September 2011 Onondaga County “Save the Rain” newsletter.


Onondaga Tower Extensive Green Roof Design Completed!

We completed the design for an extensive green roof for the Onondaga Tower building (former HSBC building) located in downtown Syracuse.  The project is currently being bid and construction is expected to begin this Spring!

Erie Boulevard Green Infrastructure Project Completed!

Construction was completed in late 2013 of the Erie-Bruce Corp. “Save the Rain” green infrastructure project.  Natural Systems Engineering designed the bioretention area, rain garden, porous asphalt, and pervious pavers to not only achieve Onondaga County’s Save the Rain objectives with respect to combined sewer overflows (CSOs), but to mitigate drainage issues at the facility, and improve the aesthetics of the site.

Site view pre-construction:

Pre-construction 007




Construction of Porous Asphalt Complete at Grace Episcopal Church

On August 9, 2013, the construction of the porous asphalt parking lot was complete at Grace Episcopal Church located at 819 Madison St. in Syracuse, New York. The new lot will mitigate the combined sewer overflows, reducing the runoff by 252,126 gallons per year based on the annual rainfall in Onondaga County. The rain garden along side of the church will be planted in the near future.

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