Tag Archives: Added greenspace

Porous asphalt vehicle display lot completed for Crest Acura!

With funding under Onondaga County’s award-winning Save the Rain program, Crest Acura’s porous asphalt lot was completed this summer.  The project was designed by Natural Systems Engineering and constructed by Lan-Co Construction (East Syracuse, New York).  The porous asphalt was designed to capture runoff from the 10,000 sq ft porous surface and the 9950 sq ft impervious asphalt lot located to the northeast.  Roughly 1000 sq ft of greenspace was added to replace asphalt in the right-of-way of the City of Syracuse.

The project will manage a minimum of 400,000 gal of strormwater per year, removing that flow from Syracuse’s combined sewer system.



Swallow’s Tavern Green Infrastructure Project Closes out 2015

Construction of green infrastructure was completed in late 2015 consisting of a dry well to management roof runoff and a porous asphalt system to manage parking lot runoff.  Green infrastructure was designed by Natural Systems Engineering and construction was performed by the Rich and Gardner Construction Company (Syracuse, New York).  The project was funded by Onondaga County’s award winning Save the Rain program.

Swallow's Porous Asphalt Placement

Swallow’s Porous Asphalt Placement

Latest Phase of Onondaga Commons Green Infrastructure Completed!

Construction of green infrastructure consisting of porous asphalt and added greenspace was completed on October 14, 2014 at 414-416 W. Onondaga St., Syracuse.  The project is the latest project of the Onondaga Commons redevelopment and is funded by Onondaga County’s Save the Rain program.  Natural Systems Engineering successfully collaborated with Short Enterprises on this phase as well as the preceding AAA,  Lean-on-Me Day Care projects and the forthcoming Rural Metro green infrastructure project to be completed in 2015.

This project will manage over 1 million gal of what would otherwise be stormwater runoff to the City of Syracuse combined sewer system annually.

Porous asphalt lot and added greenspace at 414-416 W. Onondaga St.

Porous asphalt lot and added greenspace at 414-416 W. Onondaga St.


Green Infrastructure Completed at JNJ Syracuse!

Construction was completed this month at the JNJ Syracuse restaurant site located at 725 E. Fayette St., Syracuse.  The project consisted of porous asphalt to which runoff from the building was directed and added greenspace on site and in the “snow strip” adjoining Forman and E. Fayette Streets.

View of 725 E. Fayette St., looking southwesterly

View of 725 E. Fayette St., looking southwesterly